Logo Early Ford V-8 Club of America
Golden Gate Charter
Regional Group #1



Meetings are held the 2nd Friday of each month, San Lorenzo Community Church
Fireside Room, 956 Paseo Grande, San Lorenzo ca 95680 

We have off street parking, so bring your V8 if you like! General Meetings start at 8:00 pm, last about an hour, followed by more socializing. Bring a friend!   

The General meetings include reports from our Board of Directors, old and new business, tour information, good of the order, a door prize, and on occasion, a Potluck dinner.

On the second Saturday following our General Meetings, we meet for breakfast: 8:30 Am at Dino's, 20390 Lake Chabot Rd, Castro Valley    


We sponsor several recurring events such as our annual Swap Meet, the Fall Recall, the Bean Bash, and our Christmas party. Other local events and tours are scheduled as they come.  

The big annual events are the National Meets, 3 each year in different regional areas of the country. The Western National is a late summer, four-day event held in any of the Western States. It is a great opportunity to interact with members of Regional Groups throughout the Western States. The Nationals include a Concourse, tech sessions, swap meets, banquets and “Ladies” events.